With one goal in mind - help you hire more drivers!

Trusted by recruiting professionals and trucking companies owners all over the USA and Canada!

See what our customers have to say about us

Hear from real people who breathing easier and living better with CDL DNA
“They helped us bring a lot better candidates, and made the process a lot easier”

Fernando Benitez ,

Human resource manager

“They helped our company scale and go to that next level”

Khalid Ziadat,

Chief operating officer

“We started hiring more drivers a lot faster, and at a very low cost”

Victor Turcan,

President of US Freight Lines

Instantly increase your recruiting effectiveness 5x

Happy customers speak

Discover the Impact of Our Services Through Client Experiences

Oleksandr Dovgal

"I am glad that I found this company! Exceptional service, highly recommended for anyone who is seeking for good scouting service for Trucking Business.”

Good Way Trucking

"Very professional recruiting firm. Working with them for almost 2 years now . They are always very responsive and help us find a lot of truck drivers .”

Auto Robot

"We tried them for leads generation. I was skeptical at first, but it turned out to be a very good decision! They really do things differently. Customer support is on point as well!”


"Honestly, extremely satisfied with their service! We needed to find a couple of drivers for our car haul business and a friend recommended us CDL DNA. Long story short, it took us less than 2 weeks to hire 4 drivers. Very professional, great customer service. Can't recommend more. Thank you!”

Evgeniia Bazhenova

“Great company. Were able to find good cdl drivers. Easy to work with. Recommend”


"Very professional recruiting service🇺🇸 Recommend 100%! You can trust them👍”

Oleg Shtogrin

“I'm part of the Vista Trans Holding team, and I've got to say, our collaboration with CDL DNA has been a real game-changer. They really excel in scouting exceptional truck drivers. A shoutout to Max - he's been incredible in bringing us exactly the kind of leads and ready-to-roll drivers we need. The whole process has become so much smoother thanks to their team's understanding of our requirements. Hats off to Max and the CDL DNA crew for making a significant difference in the trucking recruitment scene!”

Khalid Ziadat

“Awesome team, very tentative every step of the way!”

Evgeniia Bazhenova

“Great company. Were able to find good cdl drivers. Easy to work with. Recommend”

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"Thanks to them we were able to scale about 25% in 3 months!"

Sam Furman and Joseph Verde, Owners of Gordon Corp

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